stuff to buy!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Install Fantastico on CPanel/WHM / Not Installed

If you are having issues with fantastico not being installed on a server with The Planet by default, the issue is more than likely with the way fantastico is installed.

Here is a copy/paste and a link with this info.

Lately I have seen that on all new server deployed by some major datacenters they fail to install Fantastico even if they state that the license for Fantastico is included with their CPanel package (seen on ThePlanet last week on a new server for example). Why would they do that? I assume that their automated installation scripts are not updated after Fantastico installation method has changed (but this was several months ago). Anyway this is not at all a big issue and as long as they have licensed the server IP (as they have in all the situations I have seen), the installation is very simple.

Here is a what needs to be done… SSH to your server and enter following commands:

cd /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi
tar -xzpf fantastico_whm_admin.tgz
rm -rf fantastico_whm_admin.tgz

Now go to WHM, login as root and follow the link WHM -> Add-Ons -> Fantastico De Luxe WHM Admin (one of the lasts entries depending on your setup). There you complete the installation by following the online screens. If you will receive a license error and you are sure that your package includes Fantastico, then contact your datacenter technical support and have them license the server IP.

This of course if you want to allow your users to use Fantastico. If you don’t need Fantastico, then better don’t install it, even if you have it included in your CPanel package. Try to install on any server only the things that you need and use, and leave the others disabled or even better not installed.


I hope it helps!

Monday, March 1, 2010

failed: Unable to exec utility packagemng: packagemng: Unable to clean BackendCache in DB: Got error -1 from storage engine

Components::componentUpdate() failed: Unable to exec utility packagemng: packagemng: Unable to clean BackendCache in DB: Got error -1 from storage engine

If you are receiving this error when trying to access your plesk log in,

check your /etc/my.cnf

for the innodb_force_recovery = 4

and comment it out

# innodb_force_recovery = 4

service mysqld restart


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

error: GPG validation failed! The update downloaded successfully, but the GPG signature verification failed channel: GPG validation failed, channel f

# /usr/bin/sa-update
error: GPG validation failed!
The update downloaded successfully, but the GPG signature verification
channel: GPG validation failed, channel failed

I got this error while trying to update a system with the spam date bug.


fix was fairly simply, just update the GPG key.
Running this should fix it:

sa-update --import GPG.KEY

Once this is done, you should be able to update for the date bug

service spamassassin restart


Monday, February 8, 2010

ErrorGot error 28 from storage engine

If you see this error on your site, check your drive space usage, it may be FULL!

short and simple!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

r1soft buagent could not be started, linux

Looks like this one is due to a kernel upgrade? or the agent not being the right one for the kernel.

This was an easy fix!!

try and run

then restart agent

service buagent restart

have cup o joe!!


TY =

plesk rebuild apache httpd.conf / Some of Horde's configuration files are missing or unreadable

So here I had an issue when plesk did it's update, where the configuration files were all jacked up, and was getting horde errors??, which was odd

This was all caused it seems by plesks update!

Here is the fix!

rebuild the httpd.include conf fileS!

Sometimes you need to rebuild all your httpd.include files, it can be done with websrvmng command:

/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/websrvmng -av

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

whm/cpanel apache wont/fails to start : waitpid(-1, /etc/init.d/httpd: line 83: 21417 File size limit exceeded$HTTPD -DS S

I was having issues with a server where apache just stopped working.

Issue :

When issuing a restart command I was getting the following error.

/etc/init.d/httpd: line 83: 21417 File size limit exceeded$HTTPD -DS S

The problem was that the httpd/apache logs had grown too large in size for apache to handle? There is a 2Gb limit on log files


You can verify the file size with the the following command.

ls -hS

The larger files will be at the top, you can also pipe it to less if you don't want to scroll up.

Resolution :

Move the file or otherwise remove it if you don't need it.

Start apache again!

Have fun!!

Buy more Stuff!!!